Monday, February 4, 2013


Last Sunday was the super bowl and each year it seems as if the ads get racier and racier. Long legged, vivid red lipped vixens flaunt and sway. Skin tight leather girls dance around the half time show suggestively enticing millions of people sitting at home. Yet, I am not really moved to register my domain with 'Go Daddy' and honestly I can't remember much because nothing moved me. I don't want your strip club grime that leaves me feeling empty and dirty. I want something that moves me.

I want to loose track of time in a discussion that that does not even seem real. I want to be distracted and accidentally put the fork in the spoon section because I was thinking about how we connected. I want to hear your story and be amazed how similar it is to mine, and yet it is completely different. I want the complicated mess because a fantasy has no fantasy. This society offers so much skin and shallowness and I think that is why I love the mystery and story so much. I want deeper, more moving, more connection , more things I can write about for paragraphs instead of sentences. I want to fall in love, not in lust.

Often I try not to think about it because I don't want to believe in something that may never happen. I don't want to hope against hope and end up having no hope. I want to rip my heart out and yell at it to remain quiet so I can go to sleep without a thousand thoughts running through my head. Sometimes I pick up a book or watch a movie and live vicariously in hopes that a small part of my heart can get that feeling through a character I identity with. Sadly, more often then not, this simply amplifies the yearning for it to be real.

I have to remind myself that a relationship is not the end all answer, despite what advertising and society has to say about the fact. A relationship does not define who I am, it does not make who I am. A relationship may fill me but it is not the end all of fulfillment. There are bigger things out there and I have to be myself . . . now if there were only a mute button for my heart. I don't expect to get a lot of sleep tonight because I can't stop feeling what I am feeling and today I yearn for that something deeper.
