Whether writing things down actually helps you accomplish things boils down to your attitude which often is a root catalyst for many things. Instead of instantly dismissing writing resolutions as a waste of time I decided to play a little devils advocate . . . or possibly angel advocate and try to come up with positive reasons for writing down resolutions.
First and most obviously it gives you a list. I think breaking tasks down into lists can help you accomplish them because you have a written down plan. It is much harder to forget ideas and to do lists when, well, you actually have a list. Not only is harder to forget your list it is harder to ignore your list. You can take your list make copies and put them around your house. Open the fridge BAM your resolution list, go to the bathroom BAM your resolution list, log onto facebook BAM your resolution list as your profile picture . . . okay maybe not but you get the idea.
You can also then have a digital or physical list to share with your friends and hopefully they can help keep you accountable. They can encourage you, ask you about your progress, possibly nag you, and show interest in your goals and therefore make them a lot easier to obtain. All of a sudden your resolutions are not specifically for you there are for you and your crew. Perhaps your resolution is to learn to play guitar which is cool but think how fun it would be if one of your friends wanted to listed to you play. You now have a audience and you are no longer simply doing things for yourself you are also sharing it with other people.
So you ask what are your new year resolutions. I have a few off the top of my head but I'm one who does not rush into things. I like to brain-storm, write down things mainly because I have a hard time putting my thoughts into coherent words.
So far I have figured out that I want to:
1. Get outside everyday. The biggest struggle of my day is when I get home from work. It is the tipping point either I will turn on the television and become a mindless zombie or I can move and do something . . . anything just something. Getting outside will help a lot in re-energizing myself after a stress filled day, it will relax me, spark motivation, I will absorb sunlight and oxygen. Getting outside will get my blood going. Even by going for a short walk I get some exercise. Walking also seems to clear my mind, almost like a computer reboot and often I come home more focused, more creative, and more ready to tackle things.
2.Write everyday. Author Gretchen Rubin observes it is much easier to do something everyday then try to do it 3 times a week mainly because doing it everyday develops a routine. Read her blog entry about the subject here: The happiness project blog Writing helps me organize my thoughts and forces me to think about things more. It allows me to be creative, it creates memories that I can go back and re-read in nostalgia. Hence I have revived this blog which actually never got off the ground in the first place.
Yep so far I have 2 count them 2 resolutions but I think I had at least one thought right about new years it's not about the day it's the idea that matters. New years is not the only day you can make resolutions and it is not the only day for a fresh start. I will add more resolutions as they evolve but today I accomplished both goals I wrote this entry and I went for a walk in the brisk cold. By doing these goals I also managed to waste less time watching television [I actually have not even turned it on today!]
I think 2013 is going to be a interesting year for me mainly because I am adopting the attitude that 2013 is going to be a interesting year for me.
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